Friday, June 1, 2012

Awesome, again!

Now our friend, Pascal Gabus, made a version of the Elevenrig for Blender! The download link can be found on the right side as well!


  1. Thank you very much Pascal! Excelent rig...only I don´t understand how to open the mouth. The other parts works very well.

  2. Great to see this for Blender users now - thanks Pascal :)

  3. Nice rig man, thank you so much.

  4. Beautiful-didnt realize how much flexibility was possible in a rig

  5. Cool, this works quite nicely. Thanks alot!

  6. Thank you now I'm in path to animate the character...I only not found the command to inflate the breast when I try to work with a female character.

    1. Hi I found body breast shape key but not commando to ability it.
      Any suggestion?
      Now I'm planning the animation :-)

  7. Hi,
    First, thanks a lot to everyone, I'm happy you like the blender version of this character.

    @harryabreu : you have to select the bone name 'root', all the sliders for controlling the shape of the body, will appears in the 'N' panel. For the moment, there is no controler for the breast, I will try to add this in the next version.

  8. Man you are crazy any time that I think that I need some thing I find in your rig...sorry for my lazy in show my animation.
    I had some trouble but a strange angel show me the way and I back to the road.

  9. hey any chance of another update soon? also when you do, i would love to see the ability to create more face shapes. :)
    great work man, the blender comunity is most apreciative.

  10. The rig is really good and easy to use but I have a problem regarding to the hand. When I moved the wrist's controller, the hand is not moving at all. Could anyone help me this? Thanks

  11. Thank you for sharing your work.
    Can you state which Blender Version the rig was made in please.

    1. Hi! If you open the file in a text editor, it says the version it was made in right at the beginning!

  12. I'm having a few issues; when I rotate the head and neck, the eyebrows seem to be rotating slower and thus going inside the head.

    Also, with the right clavicle I notice that the deformations are strange when bent over with the arm extended out. This only happens on an imported rig into a scene (I imported the eleven group), when this happens the right clavicle scales up.

    I made a post of the 11second club forums about this but thought I'd make you aware. Great rig aside from these minor issues!

  13. Hi!
    I updated the download link now with the newest version 1.2 of the Blender Version. Thanks to Pascal!
